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Welcome to the CIFS Library: Subject Guides

LibGuides are put together by librarians and faculty to help students. There are a few different guide types. Some guides will give you information on a particular area of study, like Anatomy. Other guides will assist you with universal skills, like performing research. LibGuides frequently contain links to resources, like websites, databases, videos, etc. They also contain descriptive text, to help you figure out what you are doing. Consider a guide to be a kind of pathfinder on a subject; an assistant that is always available and awake, from any location.

CIFS Subject Guides


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Melissa Davis
Commonwealth Institute of Funeral Service Library
415 Barren Springs Dr.
Houston, Tx 77090
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Commonwealth Institute of Funeral Service
Dr. George Poston Library
415 Barren Springs Dr.
Houston, TX 77090
281-873-0262  or  800-628-1580